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WaafiPay API Integration Guide
WaafiPay API is an application programming interface that enables the client applications to communicate directly with WaafiPay servers in a secure environment. The data communication happens in a predefined message format. APIs are available in many different programming languages, allowing for easy integration into a merchant’s existing website or application. For more information, see the WaafiPay API Integration Guide
- To integrate WaafiPay API, you need to have a WaafiPay account.
- You integrate your app to WaafiPay API by following the their docs or this document.
- You need to test customer payments using Hormuud Telecom subscriber number.
How WaafiPay API works behind the scene:
- Customer initiates a transaction by making a request to the API.
- WaafiPay API receives the request and validates the request.
- WaafiPay API returns a response to the customer as popup.
- Customer verifies the popup and enters the PIN.
- WaafiPay API receives the PIN and validates it.
- If the customer’s balance is sufficient, and there is no any other error, WaafiPay API returns a Success response, and the payment amount is shadowed on the customer’s account - Now the transaction is in PendingForPGVerification status.
- Now, your application can commit the transaction by making a request to the API with
. - The customer account balance and the Merchant balance are updated accordingly, and the transaction status is changed to
. - if the customer loses the connection, you can cancel the transaction by making a request to the API with
How to use the WaafiPay API
To integrate WaafiPay API into your application, you need to follow the steps below:
Pre-authorization also known as an authorization hold is a practice by which the WaafiPay API allows you to place a hold on an amount approved as part of a transaction. The WaafiPay essentially holds that part of the customer’s balance in reserve for a while until you clear the transaction.
Here is an example of pre-authoriza transaction Request in JSON format:
"schemaVersion": "1.0",
"requestId": "195306036", // you can pass generated requestId or any unique id you want.
"timestamp": "timestamp", // pass the current timestamp
"channelName": "WEB",
"serviceParams": {
"merchantUid": "your_merchant_uid", // your merchant uid
"apiUserId": "your_api_user_id", // your api user id
"apiKey": "your_api_key", // your api key
"paymentMethod": "MWALLET_ACCOUNT",
"payerInfo": {
"accountNo": "25261xxxxxxx" // payer phone number
"transactionInfo": {
"referenceId": "generate_unique_id", // generate unique id
"invoiceId": 70152, // your invoice id
"amount": "1.00",
"currency": "USD",
"description": "test"
- There’s Another
Which is ‘API_PURCHASE’ you can use but as per Waafi Pay API it’s Recommended to useAPI_PREAUTHORIZE
for better user experience.
Here is an example of pre-authoriza transaction success Response in JSON format:
"schemaVersion": "1.0",
"timestamp": "generated_timestamp", // you need to generate timestamp
"requestId": "generated_request_id", // you need to generate requestId
"sessionId": null,
"responseCode": "2001",
"errorCode": "0",
"responseMsg": "RCS_SUCCESS",
"params": {
"issuerApprovalCode": "",
"accountNo": "25261xxxxxxx",
"accountType": "mwallet_account",
"accountholder": "",
"state": "APPROVED", // or "forApproval"
"merchantCharges": "0.01",
"customerCharges": "0.0",
"referenceId": "12212",
"transactionId": "25420603",
"accountExpDate": "",
"issuerTransactionId": "13552358225",
"txAmount": "1.0"
If the customer’s account balance is not sufficient Or Customer rejects the payment or even he loss the connection you get this response:
"schemaVersion": "1.0",
"timestamp": "2024-03-14 21:43:51.103",
"responseId": "195306036",
"responseCode": "5206",
"errorCode": "E10205",
"responseMsg": "Payment Failed (error occurred, please try again later)", // this is the error message it can different based on the error.
"params": {
"orderId": "37296333",
"description": "error occurred, please try again later"
Here is an example of making payment using Swift language:
func makePayment(_ number: String, _ amount: Double) async throws {
do {
self.response = try await call.makePayment(number: number, amount: amount)
guard let response = response else {
print("Response: \(String(describing: response))")
if response.responseCode == "2001" {
if NetworkMonitor.shared.isConnected {
let res = try await call.makeCommit(requestId: response.requestId ?? "1",
timestamp: response.timestamp ?? "1",
transactionId: response.params?.transactionId ?? "1",
referenceId: response.params?.transactionId ?? "1",
description: "Commited")
print("$##the Response\(res)")
} else {
let res = try await call.makeCommit(requestId: response.requestId ?? "1",
timestamp: response.timestamp ?? "1",
transactionId: response.params?.transactionId ?? "1",
referenceId: response.params?.transactionId ?? "1",
description: "Cancel Transaction")
print("$$the response\(res)")
} else {
print("tres: \(response.responseMsg?.substring(from: 34, to: 71) ?? "empty")")
} catch {
throw MerchantErrors.unableTopComplete
PreAuthorize Commit
If you sent your payment PreAuthorize and then commit it the payment is fully PreAuthorized and following things will heppen:
- Commits the original transaction done by PreAuthorize service.
- deducts funds from customer account including charges
Here’s PreAuthorize commit json format⬇️:
"schemaVersion": "1.0",
"requestId": "2749007837",
"timestamp": "2022-07-31 Africa",
"channelName": "WEB",
"serviceParams": {
"merchantUid": "xxxxxxx", //_______
"apiUserId": "xxxxxxxx", // |____ // these are credentials you must have either will not work.
"apiKey": "xxxxxxxx", //______|
"transactionId": "1238336",
"description": "", // you will pass if transaction is successful as commit else you will pass the Cancel Transaction.
"referenceId": "11111"
A PreAuthorize Cancel transaction
If you sent your payment PreAuthorize and then commit it and you want to cancel the payment this request would be cancel it and the following things happen:
- Cancels the original transaction done by PreAuthorize service
- returns the funds to customer account
This scenario happens when:
- the customer loses connection to the network Here’s PreAuthorize cancel json format⬇️:
"schemaVersion": "1.0",
"requestId": "2749007837",
"timestamp": "2022-07-31 Africa",
"channelName": "WEB",
"serviceParams": {
"merchantUid": "xxxxxxx", //_______
"apiUserId": "xxxxxxxx", // |____ // these are credentials you must have either will not work.
"apiKey": "xxxxxxxx", //______|
"transactionId": "1238336",
"description": "", // you will pass if transaction is successful as commit else you will pass the Cancel Transaction.
"referenceId": "11111"
Here’s is an example of commit function⬇️:
func makeCommit(requestId: String, timestamp: String, transactionId: String, referenceId: String, description: String) async throws -> MerchantResponse {
guard let url = URL(string: Constants.endPoint) else {
throw MerchantErrors.invalidURL
let body = PreAuthorizeCommit(requestId: requestId, timestamp: timestamp, serviceParams: ServiceParamsCommit(merchantUid: "xxxxxxx", apiUserId: "xxxxxxx", apiKey: "API-xxxxxxxx", transactionId: transactionId, description: description, referenceId: referenceId))
var request = URLRequest(url: url)
request.httpMethod = "POST"
request.setValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
let encoder = try? JSONEncoder().encode(body)
request.httpBody = encoder
let (data, response) = try await request)
guard let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse, response.statusCode == 200 else {
throw MerchantErrors.inValidResponse
do {
return try JSONDecoder().decode(MerchantResponse.self, from: data)
} catch {
throw MerchantErrors.inValidData
Future Work
- I’m planning to add more more examples of how to use WaafiPay API in different programming languages.
WaafiPay API is a payment gateway for Africa Specially East Africa and it supports mobile money, card payments and bank payments. It is a secure and reliable payment gateway that allows you to accept payments from your customers. This guide provides an overview of how to integrate WaafiPay API into your application. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact us.
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